Bookshop Reviews – Archive
Poems to Live Your Life By
Chris Riddell, political cartoonist for the Observer, and prolific illustrator and writer of...
Evening in Paradise
Lucia Berlin’s collection of short stories, A Manual for Cleaning Women was published posthumously...
A Muddy Trench: A Sniper’s Bullet
When Rosie and Robert Stewart’s mother died, they had to sort through the contents of her packed...
I am the Seed that Grew the Tree
This a an absolutely gorgeous poetry anthology for children. There is a nature poem for every day...
Snow in the Garden
Snow in the Garden by Shirley Hughes Walker £12.99 Collected here is a charming collection of...
What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday
Just right for the summer – the valiant little ladybird goes on holiday and saves the day again in...
How to Stop Time
Tom Hazard may look like an ordinary 41 year old History teacher, but he has a dangerous secret....
The Lost Girl
Last year we were very fortunate to host Carol Drinkwater, the charming former actress and author...
Ravilious & Co: The Pattern of Friendship
In the 75 years since Eric Ravilious’s untimely death in the Second World War, he has become one...