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Kids Event with JOHN BOND – Stories & Doggy Drawing!

1st March, 2025, Steyning Bookshop

After the Storm: Sir Vince Cable in Conversation

After-the-Storm An Evening with Sir Vince Cable
Date: 24th May, 2016
Location: Festival Big Top

A very special opportunity to meet Sir Vince Cable who joins Guardian columnist and economist David Boyle to discuss a new revised and updated paperback edition of After the Storm. This provides fascinating insights into the global economy – and Britain’s place in it – from his unique vantage point as a former senior member of the coalition and offers a carefully considered perspective on how the British economy should be managed in the future. “Lucid, intelligent – and damning” — The Guardian. “Vince Cable is the parliamentarian who has been consistently the most prescient and thoughtful in his analysis of the credit crunch.” John Kay, Financial Times.
7.30 – 10 pm Tuesday 24th May, Festival Big Top.
Copies of ‘After the Storm’ will be on sale for Vince to sign after his talk.
Tickets from http://www.steyningfestival.co.uk/

or direct from The Steyning Bookshop.